Time gone by

 To those who may remember, I used to blog about Harrys journey with Retinoblastoma and the antics of him and his siblings.


Well, reading my sisters blog got me thinking about how I should keep it going, for my own memories as clearly I need some way of documenting stuff, my ageing years and the need to start again clearly demonstrates the slippery slope to forgetfulness.

The reason I’ve had to start a new blog

1. I can’t remember my password, it’s been years since I logged on.

2. I can’t recover my password as Google cannot verify it’s me and the phone number to send a recovery code to is ancient old

So welcome to my new blog. I will try and post more regularly, 6 years is clearly unacceptable. So much has happened since then, but most importantly Harry is still winning his war with cancer. So I’ll give you all a quick resume of my rascals. 


He’s 17 and in his final year of school. Still a brill big brother especially to Harry. He went through Scouts and achieved his Chief Scout Gold Award, amazing. He’s never lost his love of gaming, so much so he’s actually doing A Levels which includes a course called Digital Creatives which is basically building apps and games and playing them. He’s completed and submitted his UCAS form to start a degree course in September 2022, in unsurprisingly a course in Game Design and Software Engineering. He’s had an offer from one already, still to hear from the other 4. Not sure I’m ready for him to go off to University, not sure he is either 😂


Now 13 almost 14. Just picking her GCSE options. Art and Design and computing will hopefully feature. She’s slowly emerging from the shy little girl who wouldn’t speak to anyone, into a confident young lady. She’s even got herself a little job. She still loves pugs, see Dolly post further down, but is moving into the world of teenage girl life, make up and hysterical girly giggles over boys. Hmm not sure I like that one, but we’ve had the ‘talk’ and her groans of mummmmm err leaves me satisfied it will stay at girly giggles. I really feel sorry for her friends mum who has 6 girls!! Living with boys is so much easier, even if they never put the toilet seat down!


Well what can I say. He’s now 12 and in his second year at high school. He has retained his genius and still strives to beat everyone at anything. He is still hilariously funny and my hugest regret of not keeping up with blogging is that I’ve missed so many opportunities to share his hilarity with you. He loves football and wants to be a professor when he grows up. Maths, Further Maths snd Physics will be his A Kevrl choices, he’s already decided. 


He’s almost 11 and is simply amazing. At everything. He’s following in Williams footsteps at being academically gifted. He reads and writes in Braille and has an amazing raft of technology at his fingers to help him at school. He’s fearless, caving, wall climbing, Ghyll scrambling kayaking are among the few achievements under his belt. He plays the piano, by ear and memory. He’s now officially 8 years in the clear. His cancer has remained stable but still has regular checks to make sure it stays that way. 


Our newest member of the family. A chubby 18month old pug. She’s supposed to be Madeleines dog, but I think secretly she loves me the best. All the children adore her and she adores them, almost nearly as much as she loves food!!

So welcome again to the Life of Riley’s. 



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