
Showing posts from December, 2021

What day is it???

 So here we are, Christmas is over and the New Year is looming and do we have a clue what day it is? Absolutely not. Now I’ve seen 2 kinds of people at this moment, those who keep to the 12 days of Christmas and keep the decorations up til at least the New Year has started, and there’s the ones who are itching to take them down as soon as the last present is opened.  I’m a 12 days of Christmas girl, what about you?

A perfect day

 Happy Boxing Day everyone! We had a brilliant day yesterday. The Christmas Dinner was sublime and I can thank me for that. Sitting round the table together with my dad is really what Christmas is about. Being with those you love.  This year, having recently moved house and being a bit less flush we decided to do what we’d been threatening for years. We ramped back on what we spent on the children. We usually went way over the top, making sure they walked in to a massive pile of presents, loving the look on their faces, but it brought it home when we packed up to move the amount of things bought, unopened and unplayed with and clearly not wanted. A waste of money in reality.  So this year when asking them what they would like, we told them they’d have £100 each. A glimmer of a frown but they were brilliant. And I must say I’m a brilliant shopper, Black Friday deals, eBay and Amazon ensured I got amazing deals.  So when they came in Christmas Day (they had gifts from ...

Happy Christmas

 It’s Christmas Eve, and in typical Riley fashion everyone is still awake!!!!! My dad is stopping with us so in a rare occurrence Matthew is enjoying my company instead of VR. Making the most of it, he’ll be away before I know it.  Watched the latest James Bond film and nommed on Chinese , seems to be a little tradition of ours.  It makes me remember my Christmases and the little things me and my sisters did. We were never well off, in a money sense, but we always had a fabulous Christmas. Mum and dad made it magical and we always had nice presents. Christmas Eve started it with our new pyjamas and early Christmas morning very early Christmas morning, 3am early Christmas morning we played ip dip between the 3 of us to see who would go ask if it was time to get up. I don’t know how it worked but it always landed on Annette our younger sister. Funny that.  Well that never worked, hissed at to go back to sleep, which we did for ages we then plotted the next plan. At 4am...

Christmas 2021

Nothing better than sitting in a darkened room, Christmas Lights twinkling away and everyone is still asleep!!! This is our first Christmas in our new home, and for the first time ever I’ve got a real fireplace and my garland or swag twinkling over the top.  Now I was so excited to get one, I search on eBay for prelit and found the perfect advert that stated prelit and decorated. It looked lovely  Imagine my surprise when I got theee most awful green sparse piece of wire with a few packs of cheap nasty plastic decorations (completely different to the ones on the advert) and a string of battery LED lights. When I queried I was told, you put it together yourself in case it gets damaged in the post. Complete misadvertising and misselling. Quickly returned and I found a lovely one on Amazon. Held my breath when I opened the box, but no need to worry. There it was in all its glory, ready to drape over fireplace, and it even has multi function lights. Brilliant.  Just waiting f...

Time gone by

 To those who may remember, I used to blog about Harrys journey with Retinoblastoma and the antics of him and his siblings. Well, reading my sisters blog got me thinking about how I should keep it going, for my own memories as clearly I need some way of documenting stuff, my ageing years and the need to start again clearly demonstrates the slippery slope to forgetfulness. The reason I’ve had to start a new blog 1. I can’t remember my password, it’s been years since I logged on. 2. I can’t recover my password as Google cannot verify it’s me and the phone number to send a recovery code to is ancient old So welcome to my new blog. I will try and post more regularly, 6 years is clearly unacceptable. So much has happened since then, but most importantly Harry is still winning his war with cancer. So I’ll give you all a quick resume of my rascals.  Matthew.  He’s 17 and in his final year of school. Still a brill big brother especiall...