Happy Boxing Day everyone! We had a brilliant day yesterday. The Christmas Dinner was sublime and I can thank me for that. Sitting round the table together with my dad is really what Christmas is about. Being with those you love. This year, having recently moved house and being a bit less flush we decided to do what we’d been threatening for years. We ramped back on what we spent on the children. We usually went way over the top, making sure they walked in to a massive pile of presents, loving the look on their faces, but it brought it home when we packed up to move the amount of things bought, unopened and unplayed with and clearly not wanted. A waste of money in reality. So this year when asking them what they would like, we told them they’d have £100 each. A glimmer of a frown but they were brilliant. And I must say I’m a brilliant shopper, Black Friday deals, eBay and Amazon ensured I got amazing deals. So when they came in Christmas Day (they had gifts from ...